Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner 300ml – Mr Sheen



Heavy Duty Oven helps save your time and cut through grease and grime.

Cleaning your oven may be a daunting task. Not only is it time-consuming, but you can also run the risk of inhaling caustic fumes. This product is not only including three powerful high-speed cleaning agents, in order to save you time, but it also cuts through grease and grime without the use of harmful caustic chemicals.

Features and benefits

  • Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner,
  • Fights tough stains and cuts through grease and grime with 3 x Active Cleaning Agents – No Caustic Fumes
  • Sheen Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner is safe to use on gas and electric stoves as well as the glass surfaces on oven doors.